,,Two sides of the coin, sadness and happiness, Jing and Jang. How embracing both the good and the bad brings us to oneness. How can we achieve the ultimate peace by acknowledging our deepest and scariest shadows.

This show is about the light and the dark and how those polarities are inevitable in our life journey. See the beauty in tears, the storm that brings us sunshine and how cherishing our scariest parts can lead to happiness. Surrender to your demons and let them out of your closet.’’

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Embracing Difficult Emotions Through Art

Take a look at my newest Youtube Video ,,draw with me’’, where I take you behind the scenes of my studio and talk about how I use art as a therapy.

Learn How To Draw And Paint With Me on Skillshare

Take Art Classes

I am a teacher on Skillshare, where I share painting and drawing fundamental classes mostly for beginners. Sign up now and get 1 month of Skillshare for free!